Saturday, July 30, 2005

Here's another op-ed piece by someone who doesn't mind putting my life and yours at risk so that he doesn't get offended.

You Can't Fight Terrorism With Racism

He goes on to list a bunch of white people who have committed crimes or terrorist acts either as lone individuals or groups that operate only in one specific part of the world, which by the way is not our own. Call me irrational, but I don't believe I need to feel threatened in a New York or Washington subway by an Irishman or a serial-killer from Kansa - not much precedent of random violence there. Hoemless people of all races yes, rowdy minority teens yelling and cursing as they file out from school, yes. Anyone who might be a Muslim male - yes. And since we know the poverty is the root cause of terrorism and all "the man" is rich it must be a non-White Muslim - right?

Wake up! Dark skinned men of the same religion are killing thousands of people everywhere in the world under the same banner and he wants elderly japanese women searched so that he doesn't feel singled out.

Only an idiot in today's world doesn't do a once over of every young Arab or black man on the subway. That means other Arab and black men should be doing it too - they probably can tell who looks out of place better than I, a white man would.

Think of it in the same way that gays and Jews joke about how they can "tell" if someone is gay or Jewish by just looking at them, even though they really can't. It's a human coping mechanism and it's there for a reason.

I'm probably coming off as racist, but I get very upset when someone thinks their comfort is worth more than my life.

Maybe we should apply this kind of logic to advertisers. We should force Jheri Curl to spend 85% of their dollars outside the African-American media and the local Jewish funeral home to advertise in Christinaity Today. Isn't what they're dong profiling their customers?

I don't care that this doesn't make any sense - just a little diarrhea of the keyboard this morning....hey it's my blog.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

join the penguins!

they will save you!