Friday, July 22, 2005

More personal thoughts on terrorism that I posted at my bro-in-law's LiveJournal page.

More radical thoughts from the right...

The problem is that we as a society can't agree on the disease. Is it poverty and corruption in the third world for which we in the West are to blame? I don't think that anyone believes that if we gave governments in the third world $10000 dollars per capita as reparations for intruding on their culture and removed Coca-Cola from global store shelves that terrorism would end.

Is it the US military presence and "terrorism" in Iraq and Afghanistan and other Muslim countries? The World Trade Center was attacked years before our involvement in either Iraq or Afghanistan. Twice. We saved countless thousands of Muslims in Bosnia from ethnic cleansing by bombing Christian cities. We have given tens of billions of our hard-earned dollars in foreign aid and petrodollars to Egypt and Arab countries. As many on the left remind us, we actually helped Osama and the Muslim mujahadeen defeat the Soviets. Didn't help.

Is it the Israeli occupation? They unilaterally decided to leave Lebanon and terror remained even at the border which the UN has sanctioned as permanenet and legitimate. The Israelis are leaving Gaza next month and terror is increasing and doazens of rockets are fired over Gaza into Israel proper as the pullout date approaches.

I used to feel more strongly that giving Muslims political freedom and democracy was the answer (the neocon response), but Britain is a pretty free society and there are those who grew up there that apparently think it's A-OK to blow up their countrymen - never mind the reason.

The only thing I am left with is the disease of the mind caused by those who would preach death and hate to the ignorant. I say that anyone who preaches, advocates or excuses the destruction of their fellow countrymen or local democratic institutions needs to be deported immediately.

By the way, this includes people that think it's witty to fictionalize the how wonderful life would be after the assassination of a sitting President of the United States. I don't want them living in the same society as I do. We're at war against people who want just that and it's not funny. Criticism of any of our leaders, even personal, is fine. Demanding impeachment is fine. Flag burning doesn't threaten anybody. There is no excuse for promoting the view that your government deserves to be violently overthrown to promote your political or religious views. None. Fire in a crowded theater and all that...

Rant over :-)

P.S. More multiple bombings in Egypt. More Muslims die in global terrorsit attacks than non-Muslims. One thing that's hard for us Westerners to remember - it's not just about us - we tend to be very self-centered navel gazers. Once the world wakes up and finally agrees on what needs to be done with these people, and we lose our fear of backlash, this nightmare will be over.

As a linked post on Instapundit says this morning:

I didn't know Egypt had troops in Iraq. Otherwise, why would the terrorists target them?

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