Sunday, July 10, 2005

The New York Times prints an article today about how having f*ck buddies should be an integral part of the life of every single woman.

If It Were Raining Men, She Would Forgo the Umbrella

Portfolio dating, my system for personal fulfillment, entails collecting people, not eliminating them. The point is to assemble an array of relationships with people who possess all the qualities you need, much like assembling a diverse stock portfolio maximizes long-term gain.

I separate my portfolio into three main categories. Type I, the Hookup Pal; Type II, the Platonic Boyfriend or Girlfriend; and Type III, the Motivator. In a perfect day, you have brunch with your Type II, and an afternoon date with your Type I, and you discuss book-jacket designs over late cappuccinos with your Type III. You can also have hybrid Type I/III relationships that satisfy both carnal and cerebral desires.

Regardless of whether or not you think this "lifestyle" is OK, why does this person think it's something to be proud of?

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