Saturday, July 09, 2005

Ron, you ignorant slut!

Christopher Hitchens gives a history lesson to Ron Reagan Jr on MSNBC. Video here.

Money shot...How can you know so little about this, and be occupying a chair at the time that you do?

Of course my reference above in the first line relates to Dan Akroyd's classic comeback line in his point-counterpoint debates with Jane Curtain on Saturday Night Live. To show that nothing ever changes in political debate, here's a transcript of one such encounter that sounds like something I could have TIVO'd today.

Curtin: "Dan, only a reactionary ass such as yourself could oppose full diplomatic relations with China. As President Carter said, it's a simple recognition of reality. How can we ignore eight hundred million people? But, then again, I guess it's your habit to ignore reality. You're a paranoid schizophrenic, Dan, whose politics are obviously born out of some buried infantile trauma. You hide from reality, constructing a hostile world to justify your own incapacity for love and compassion. Go ahead, Dan, live in your dark, lonely world..."

Aykroyd: "Jane, you ignorant slut. My personality profile is not at issue here, any more than is your inability to achieve orgasm. The issue is Taiwan. How can we expect to have the confidence of any free nation when we stab one of our most faithful allies in the back? I suppose you'd like to conduct our foreign policy the way you conduct your private life, hopping from bed to bed with anyone who can do you some good. Then what do you have? An old, dried-out scuz that no decent man would be seen with. Is that what you want for America? It's too late for you, Jane, but our country still has some dignity left, you hosebag!"

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