Wednesday, January 12, 2005

Remember the great flu shot crisis created by the media and the Kerry campaign in the waning moments of the Presidential campaign and how everyone on the left was blaming Bush?

N.E. pushes to find takers for flu shots - Remaining vaccine could go to waste

Thousands of flu shots are languishing on the shelves of health departments, clinics, and physicians' offices in New England, even as federal authorities prepare later this month to take delivery of an additional 2.6 million doses.

John Kerry was even proud enough of the panic he helped caused by posting the following on his campaign site.

  • California Woman Collapsed and Later Died After Five Hours in Line.
  • Three-Year-Old Girl Waited Four Hours and Was Turned Away.
  • “Scores of People …. Some in Wheelchairs or Hobbling on Canes, Had Begun Lining Up Hours Before the First Shot.”
Shame on them all for causing so much suffering and stress for political gain. Doom and gloom is what the left is all about.

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