Tuesday, January 25, 2005

The Pope, sounding very much like a conservative pundit, doesn't have a lot of respect for the God-hating Socialists of Spain.

The Pope said the politics of the Spanish prime minister, Jose Luis Rodriguez Zapatero, were "promoting disdain towards religion".

The Pope said: "This ideology will lead to the restriction of religious freedoms and promote a disrespect and even ignorance of religion.

The Socialists meanwhile, including the Catholic defense minister, believe that the Pope doesn't know what he's talking about when it comes to the Son of God.

Spain's defense minister on Tuesday rejected Pope John Paul II's criticism of its Socialist government, which wants to legalize gay marriage and streamline laws on divorce and abortion, and he said some church positions go against the teachings of Jesus Christ.

I wonder if the Spanish have their own version of WWJD? Maybe QHJ? "Que haria Jesus"?

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