Sunday, September 12, 2004

So the Great White Father, John Kerry, plans to get the Muslim world together so that he can teach the moderates that extremists are bad people and convince them that they should help us even when they are threatened with death.

What I intend to do is to put in play the economic power, the values and principles, the public diplomacy, so we're isolating the radical Islamic extremists and not having the radical extremists isolate the United States. It means bringing religious leaders together, including moderate mullahs, clerics, imams—pulling the world together in a dialogue about who these extremists really are and how they are hijacking the legitimacy of Islam itself. That takes leadership, and that leadership has not been put on the table.

Kerry still doesn't realize that we're at war with a savage enemy. He wants to dialogue with/bribe moderate Muslims (as if there were any that have any power whatsoever) to take on people who have no regard for human life.

Please, please, please, someone create a video parody of John Kerry singing the old Coca-Cola jingle, "I'd like to teach the world to sing" and have him hugging Osama Bin Laden in the end. I'm begging you.

And does he blame the Palestinians for not putting forward legitimate peace partners? Nope. He suggests that it's the U.S. President that needs to push the Israelis to find one. I guess Great White Father Kerry will the tell Israelis to tell the Palestinians what's good for them.

Instead of Limousine Liberlaism, we should call this Patronizing Progressivism. At least until I come up with something better.


Anonymous said...

I have said this before, and I will say it again and again and again for as long as is necessary.

All Muslims are not our savage enemy, and for you to say so perpetuates a horrific stereotype. In doing so, you justify all the racial slurs antisemites heaped upon us because we are Jews. You seem to imply that we'd be better off committing genocide: wiping them off the planet, rather than negotiating. Is this what you're implying?


Howard said...

I clearly separate moderate Muslims from those I consider savage. In fact my comment alludes specifically to the fact that I don't think moderate Muslims will come to our defense because of the threats from extremist Muslims, both physical and otherwise. Salman Rushdie is still living in fear of his life because of verbal threats.