Thursday, September 23, 2004

Best sarcastic question ever asked of a presidential candidate by a reporter.

QUESTION: Prime Minister Allawi told Congress today that democracy was taking hold in Iraq and that the terrorists there were on the defensive. Is he living in the same fantasy land as the president?

Kerry's response was this:

I think the prime minister is, obviously, contradicting his own statement of a few days ago, where he said the terrorists are pouring into the country.

Terrorists pouring into the country and their being on the defensive are separate, not opposing issues. If you listen to Kerry, you would think that we ourselves are on the defensive AND should be sending more troops into Iraq.

And here's the worst question ever asked of a Presidential Candidate by a reporter, just afterwards.

QUESTION: You criticized, to the AP, the president for retreating, I believe was your word, from Fallujah. Given the situation on the ground in Fallujah when there was an offensive there, when there was a rising civilian death toll, rising criticism among Arab media for our actions there, what would you have done differently?

Differently than retreating or differently than going on the offensive?

1 comment:

Howard said...

Assuming a war has already started, which this one did 18 months ago, the only reason to send lots more troops in is if you've miscalculated and you're losing - in other words - on the defensive.