Saturday, September 11, 2004

Another subject I almost never touch upon is gun control, which I don't really have a strong stand on. However, given the criticism of the Republican Congress in general, and the President in particular on the expiration of the assault weapons ban, I figured I'd look into it a little bit and comment.

On Guard, America
Kerry Links Assault Weapons to Terrorism

I think the prevailing counter argument seems to be that the ban has done absolutely nothing to change the crime rate or the ability of people to get these guns if they really wanted them. Therefore, it is a non-issue.

Columbine parents differ on assault weapons ban
Curb's end splits cops, gun buffs

The Times is feeding into liberal northeasterners fear of guns (which I admit to having myself). There are no facts in their opinion piece, just the use of scary words like "Uzi", "gunslingers", "battlefield", etc.

Seems to me that the President is doing the smart thing politically regarding an issue that has no significant effect - saying he would extend the ban if it came to him, but not doing anything if it doesn't.

If someone is willing to submit some facts as to how the ban has had a serious effect on crime or our way of life in a significant manner, please let me know. As imple reduction in the number of crimes committed with assault weapons doesn't count as I'd be just as screwed if someone held me up with a pistol as with a semi-automatic.

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