Thursday, September 09, 2004

Here's a popular link supporting the President's honorable discharge and service in the National Guard.

Nevertheless, Democrats won't stop kicking the dead horse.

Democrats Question Bush's Service, Costs of War

``We know John Kerry was in Vietnam,'' Democratic Party chief Terry McAuliffe said after the Boston Globe reported that Bush failed to complete required training but was never disciplined. ``My question to you, Mr. President, is, where were you, sir? How did you avoid being disciplined?''

Note that this criticism of Bush, which is nothing more than an attack on his personal honor (dare I say patriotism?) comes from the very top of the Democratic party.

And of course, John Kerry personally has some questions he feels need answering.

You'll notice that criticism of Kerry comes from the Swift Boat Vets or other organizations, but not from the Republican Party itself. Even in the Kerry campaign link posted above, Kerry talks only of Bush's "surrogates".

In fact, Ed Gillespie, chairman of the Republican National Committee had this to say a few weeks ago at a press conference:

I encourage you to do a Lexis/Nexis search on Ed Gillespie and Senator Kerry's service in Vietnam. You will find I would wager well over 100 instances of my saying that Senator Kerry served honorably in Vietnam.

Also, until the Democrats and their supporters lean on John Kerry to release all his military records as George Bush did, they are in essence fighting the President and his supporters while they are blindfolded.

Also, Jim Rassman, the man whose life John Kerry saved, had this to say:

"There's no evidence that the president did not serve honestly and well. And until that shows up, if in fact it's true, let's leave it alone,".

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