Wednesday, July 14, 2004

Today's suicide bombing in Iraq is proof positive that things have gotten a lot better there since our handoff of power a few weeks ago. Why? Look at how independent news sources are describing the last two weeks in Baghdad.

New York Times - Calm in Baghdad Is Shattered as Car Bomb Kills at Least 10

From the LA Times - A massive car bombing at an entrance to the multinational Green Zone killed at least seven people and injured 23 this morning, shaking much of the capital and shattering the relative calm it had experienced since the transfer of sovereignty to an interim Iraqi government.

BBC - The attack may simply have been an attempt to shatter the relative calm of recent weeks.

"Relative calm" was a term that the press started using in the Palestinian-Israeli conflict as the intifada started winding down and the rate of suicide bombings started to decrease noticeably. I have hope for Iraq yet.

This is just another example of how Bush and his administration have consistently lied to the American people. They warned us of an increase in attacks around the time of the handover and they never materialized.

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