Monday, July 05, 2004

John Kerry says that he believes that abortion is not for him personally becuase he believes that life begins at conception. This is the same position that Mario Cuomo famously took about 20 years ago.

This means that:

a) Kerry is pandering to conservative swing voters
b) Kerry has consistently supported the legalization of murder/infanticide
c) Kerry is trying to be on both sides of yet another politically touchy issue (I'm against it, except when I vote for it)
d) All of the above


Anonymous said...

Ah no. I see you've been reading right-wing propaganda again. This doesn't mean he's being a hypocrite -- it means he's not letting his personal beliefs interfere with his ability to govern effectively.

This means that the man has personal, religious beliefs. Those religious beliefs do not tell him to force them on all women, everywhere in America. It says that in addition to his own convictions, he also believes that women have a right to choose whether they should or should not have a child.

For instance, I do not personally believe in abortion. I do not believe that my wife should ever have one. But I don't think it's my place to force more than 50% of America to believe exactly what I do, nor do I think it appropriate to tell women they should do as I say. Thankfully, we don't live in a totalitarian government that acts this way.

You know, this post sounds as if you believe that those elected to political office have the right to impose their religious convictions on the entire population, regardless of whether the population agrees with them. As a Jew who is aware of historical precedent, I personally find politicians who do this offensive and dangerous.

The conservative movement is making a big deal these days about how Bush never pays attention to the polls, but operates from his convictions. How utterly frightening for the American people that he no longer feels the need to bother with what we want or believe in. Blind faith makes for a poor public servant.

Anonymous said...

Oh, and this is a total, completely obnoxious nitpick, but by definition, 'infanticide' is not abortion. :-)


Howard said...

Thank you for pointing out the abortion/infanticide difference.

My own feelings are mixed enough that I don't know exactly where I stand - and I'm a man anyway.

If one truly believes that LIFE (his word) begins at conception, as John Kerry claims, I am at a loss as to how it is even possible for him to stand by and not only allow, but SUPPORT those that are willing to take millions of lives per year.

It is possible, and indeed necessary, to separate the issue of abortion from religion and take a position. Some of the other great constitutional crises of the past - such as the abolition of slavery and segregation - engendered strong religious activism and many a bible verse was quoted - yet we had to come to a decision as a nation on these issues. Someone had to decide whether it was right or wrong. FOR EVERYONE.

There was no option to say, I don't have slaves, but it's OK for others. I personally take the mixed-race bus, but it's OK if people want to ride the "white only" bus.

It should be etiher OK to kill fetuses (defined by Kerry as "life") or not. For everybody.

I do believe that there should be exceptions of course (rape, mother's health) just like we have exceptions for murder (self-defense, insanity).

Finally, the President cannot impose his religious beliefs on the nation. That is why we have legislative and judicial branches of government. And if a President is allowed to act on other matters of life and death over others - sending soldiers to war, pardoning criminals, helping establish safety regulations, why can't s/he act similarly regarding abortion?