Saturday, July 24, 2004

The Kerry campaign uses the ultra-elitist, non-American Rolls-Royce as a symbol of his understanding of Detroit factory workers. Nice going.

Sen. John Kerry spoke about the plight of the American worker when he traveled to Detroit earlier this week, a safe message for the blue-collar workers who build cars there.

So it was a little strange that the campaign picked as its press-pass logo for its Motor City tour the gleaming showcase car of a foreign auto company — Rolls-Royce — that makes cars priced far outside the financial reach of any middle-class voter.

One of Kerry's spokesmen also gave a muddled, unoriginal response:

"I could say that the Rolls-Royce is the perfect symbol of who got the Bush tax cuts for the wealthy, but sometimes objects in the rearview mirror are closer than they appear," he said.


He's also borrowing a line from one of John Edward's primary campaign speeches, which I posted several months ago.

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