Thursday, July 08, 2004

I would like to present, in her own words - Vanessa Redgrave:

No mother could possibly be accustomed to the fact that her little girl will go to school ''and will sit with her classmates and an Israeli sniper will shoot at a classroom full of Palestinian children who are in their uniforms with their little scarves,'' she said....

''Any Palestinian mother or schoolchild knows that a schoolchild who is dressed in the uniform can be and is frequently shot in the head -- not in the chest, not in the legs, in the head.''

Read it all here - On Mideast, Redgrave isn't a straight shooter

Thank you to Backspin.


Anonymous said...

I assume you know she has been called as an antisemite by people who know/knew her well. These days, she has styled herself as a champion of the oppressed.

A glowing review of her that's worth reading.... if only to understand a full context of her point of view:

"Today everyone agrees that Vanessa Redgrave is an outstanding actress. As a person, however, she is still regarded as flaky by some, and by others as an anti-Semite and supporter of terrorists. Her Autobiography, which first appeared in England in 1991 and has just been published in America by Random House, proves both labels to be false."

Frankly, I'd personally have more respect for her if she did anything constructive. But all she can do is declare that the Israelis are monstrous babykillers. She fails to even attempt to provide a constructive solution to the Palestinian problem. That failure is indicative of her motives.

Anonymous said...

Oh, that was me... Jon :)