Thursday, July 22, 2004

Sorry for the lack of posts in the last few days, but I've been on a business trip and things have been kind of hectic.

I don't think I can add any more to the Sandy Burglar story than what's already been written ad nauseum.

In today's NY Times, Barabara Ehrenreich, who I've begun to dislike even more than Maureen Dowd and Paul Krugman, tells us that it's morally right to kill fetuses if you're following yor dream to entertain others for a living.

Owning Up to Abortion

First off, she tells us, "I had two abortions during my all-too-fertile years". Tens of millions of women in this country manage not to have abortions when they are "all too fertile". How unlucky for her to be able to have children so easily!

"I was a dollar-a-word freelancer and my husband a warehouse worker, so it was all we could do to support the existing children at a grubby lower-middle-class level."

Suggestion to Ms. Ehrenreich - maybe having your tubes tied would have been a better alternative than relying on abortion as a contraceptive measure.

She also has the gall to state that women who terminate their pregnancies because of known genetic defects with the fetus are no better than those like herself who claim potential economic hardship.

Finally, she opens her piece with the statement that "abortion is legal" as if that is the determining factor as to whether it's morally correct. Slavery and segregation were legal at one time, so I wouldn't be so fast to use that as my principal support for the morality of abortion, much less abortions of convenience.

It's perfectly legal for me to pass by a dying person in the street and not help them. That doesn't make it morally correct.


From Maureen Dowd, also in today's Times, we find that she would have been behind President Bush all the way if 900 Americans died in Iran instead of Iraq. I mean, that is her point, isn't it?

Right Axis. Wrong Evil.

And if you think that 900 American fatalities is too much, having attakced an already weakened Iraq, I wonder how many more dead Ms. Dowd would have allowed for in a war against Iran.

I like how she subtly makes the "they died for nothing" argument without actually using the words. At least Bob Herbert a week or so ago had the balls to come out and say that's what he thought. I guess it has something to do with that "Men are from Mars" thing about men being direct and women indirect.

And by the way, how much does she get paid to quote whole sections of someone else's comedy act.

Also, just as I argued above that legality does not equal morality, being able to make fun of soemthing doesn't make that something wrong. A good comedian can make fun of both sides of political issues - which is why Jay Leno and David Letterman are so popular.

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