Saturday, July 31, 2004

I'm really sorry that there are people I love who have paid money to see Fahrenheit 9/11 and chided me for not wanting to see it becuase I'm afraid of "the truth". I am seriously upset that they buy into any of Michael Moore's crap. They feel they can put aside what they know is propaganda becuase they are educated in the facts. But when even the subtlest parts of the movie are based on falsifications, how can you be sure of anything you see? I'm not even sure that Bush is President if Moore mentioned it in his movie.

Pantagraph to Moore: Headline use 'misleading'

In a moment early in the movie, newspaper headlines from around America that relate to the legally contested 2000 presidential election flash across the screen. One of them is purported to be from a Dec. 19, 2001, edition of The Pantagraph.

But a check of that day's newspaper revealed the large headline prominently flashed in the movie -- "Latest Florida recount shows Gore won election" -- never appeared in that edition.

Instead, the headline appeared in a Dec. 5, 2001, edition -- but not as a news headline. It was in much smaller type above a letter to the editor. Those headlines reflect only the opinions of the letter writer and are not considered "factual" news stories.

In the movie, The Pantagraph page, as shown, was not how a real page from the newspaper would have looked. Moore's version had a different typeface and a different headline size from what The Pantagraph uses. The newspaper's name, however, appears in the correct font.

Also see Michael Moore's Truth Problem from the Democratic leadership Council.

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