Tuesday, March 23, 2004

This editorial in the WSJ Europe pretty much sums up mt feelings about the killing of Sheik Yassin.

There is no moral equivalence between Palestinian terrorists and their desire to kill and maim as many Israeli civilians as possible and the Israeli government's attempt to stop them......

Mr. Straw said that Israel can only gain international support for its actions of self-defense if it does so "within the boundaries of international law." Are we to assume that Mr. Straw would stop British troops from pulling the trigger should they ever get Osama bin Laden in their crosshairs because such "extrajudicial killings" are illegal? Would Mr. Straw also argue that eliminating bin Laden is "unjust" because the poor chap is on a dialysis machine and walks with a cane? Unlikely......

Nevertheless, the assumption that the effective fight against terrorism is counterproductive because it somehow creates more terrorists is self-defeating. Arguably, any action taken against terrorists fuels their anger, whether "extrajudicial" or not. The logical consequence of this thinking would be to do nothing.....

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