Saturday, March 27, 2004

Just a funny story...I know I'm a political/news junkie and sometimes think everyone is into the same things I am. Right now I'm sitting in the lobby of a luxury inn in the San Francisco area.

When I planned my trip here, I thought that people would look at me funny - they would see in my face that I was a supporter of the war. I thought that when I didn't give to the homeless person on the corner (and there's one on almost every corner), civic leaders would come crashing down on me about my failure to help my fellow human beings in need.

Needless to say, none of that happened and I'm paranoid.

However, as I type, there is a middle aged couple having breakfast in the lobby reading the newspaper. All of sudden, the wife sighs out loud to no one in particular - "that Bush is such a fascist!"

I'm keeping my head down until I get back to Texas!

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