Monday, March 22, 2004

Here's a very interesting interview with famous Israeli author A.B. Yehoshua. He is generally on the left of the politcal spectrum, and was part of the group that went with Yossi Beilin to Geneva some months ago to sign an unofficial peace pact with like-minded Palestinians. He is also against the location of the security frnce/wall being built in the West Bank. However, he does think unilateral separation is the way to go - and once that happens - all bets are off.

"Because from the minute we withdraw I don't want to know their names. I don't want any personal relations with them. I am no longer in a situation of occupation and policing and B'Tselem [the human rights organization]. Instead, I will be standing opposite them in a position of nation versus nation. State versus state. I am not going to perpetrate war crimes for their own sake, but I will use all my force against them. If there is shooting at Ashkelon, there is no electricity in Gaza."

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