Monday, March 15, 2004

From a John Kerry speech as reported in today's NY Times:

"I don't fault George Bush for doing too much in the war on terror, as some do," Mr. Kerry said. "I believe that he's done too little....

So now he's positioning himself as being not only smarter about the war (against Iraq, for stronger alliances), but that he'd have done more. More what? Invade more countries? Take away more liberties? Instill more fear? Add more colors to the Terror Alert scale?

Just curious.

Also according to the reporting - "Senator John F. Kerry attacked President Bush on national security issues today, asserting that Mr. Bush has played politics with the battle against terrorism and that the bombings in Spain show how ineffective his policies have been"

What do George Bush's policies have anything to do with domestic security in Spain anyway? If I was being really selfish, I would even say that Bush's policy is working perfectly well given that Al-Qaeda is attacking in Bali, Morocco and Spain and NOT here since we don't make such an easy target anymore.

Maybe Kerry's right after all! If we had more allies like France, Germany and Russia involved, there would be even more places other than the U.S. for the Islamists to attack.

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