Tuesday, June 20, 2006

In Wal-Mart's Home, Synagogue Signals Growth. It annoys me that the writer switches between synagogue and temple in the article. I hate using "temple" to describe a synagogue even though it's popular in the Reform movement. Can't explain why.

Boy do I hope this gets printed in the Arabic editions as well - Depressing Sermons

Last week, I attended Friday prayers in one of the mosques of the Saudi capital. The sermon that was delivered before the prayer addressed the issue of summer vacations stating that to travel to atheist countries is religiously forbidden except in cases of urgency. The speaker further added that one who travels to such countries for reasons that are not related to "education or medical treatment" is contradicting Sharia law.

The truth is that such an ignorant suggestion demonstrates the continuing strengthening of an extremist ideology and presents religious explanations that have absolutely no connection to the practices of Prophet Mohammed....

...The speaker finally ended his sermon by cursing the Christians and Jews.

Personally, I did not take part in these invocations against Jews and Christians as in the past, Jewish doctors have cured the illness of a relative and Christians live amongst us performing their roles honorably and faithfully, therefore, why would I pray that God curses them? The speaker has chosen to follow a path that differs to that of the Prophet Mohammed who always prayed for all people to be guided by God.

The continuation of such falsehood and fanaticism that cloaks itself in religion is disgraceful.

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