Thursday, June 08, 2006

Al Zarqawi is dead.  I don't think I'll have much to add except that I think there's some kind of moronic convergence going on - perhaps it is a herald of the end of the world of something.

Reaction of Al Zarqawi's colleagues - "We want to give you the joyous news of the martyrdom of the majahed sheik Abu Musab al-Zarqawi....The death of our leaders is life for us"

Reaction of U.S. citizen Michael Berg, whose son Nick was beheaded in Iraq in 2004 (maybe by Zarqawi himself) - "I have no sense of relief, just sadness that another human being had to die."  Berg blames President Bush for his son's death.

Even if, especially if, you agree with Michael Berg's politics, is there any doubt that eventually these two philosphies of life and death would lead to some sort of clash?

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