Thursday, November 09, 2006

Today marks the 68th anniversary of Kristallnacht, the Night of Broken Glass, which some refer to as the day the Holocaust really started.

A new synagogue was inaugurated in Munich today to help herald the rebirth of the German-Jewish community.  More photos here.  This is the memorial for the original synagogue which it replaces.  There's some fascinating photos, blueprints and computerized recreations of the original Munich Hauptsynagogue here

Whenever I see a beautiful Catholic cathedral, I always dream that there are synagogues that are just as beautiful, ancient and awe-inspiring to pray in.  There used to be...there used to be.  :-(

Bill Maher was on Larry King last night, speaking part of the time about how Republicans were divided against themselves because of the gay-bashers in the base and his claim that "a lot of the chiefs of staff, the people who really run the underpinnings of the Republican Party are gay."

Rush Limbaugh played part of the interview on his show, including a statement right after the quote above where Maher says that Ken Mehlman is gay.  CNN has removed this portion of the transcript from their website (see link above).  In any case, Maher plans to mention more names on his show Friday night, so if you want to know who all the supposedly self-hating gays are, you know where to go.

Not that there's anything wrong with that.

Odd - the "playboy bunny" ad against Harold Ford, Jr. which was decried by Democrats and the NAACP as so racist that it was pulled, starred a blond "who has Mexican heritage".  An African-American woman,Tammy Thompson, also appears in the ad.

Argentine Judge Seeks to Detain Iran’s Ex-Leader

This is mostly symbolic, but at least it's a formal acknowledgment by a government official that Iran might be involved.


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