Thursday, November 09, 2006

Glenn Reynold's snarky headline writing says it best. 


From USA Today:  Poll: Afghans express confidence in country's direction, security

Back in May, USA Today's editorial board warned us that "Afghanistan is increasingly beginning to resemble that war (in Iraq").  The Iraqis should be so lucky.

Of course, that's all just spin.  As the International Herald Tribune points out , "Afghans' doubt grows, poll finds", which I think is the bigger story.

If you don't want any of the spin, you can go right to the Asia Foundation website.  For example if you compare the 2004 and 2006 surveys, you do see that optimism was much higher in 2004.  That probably makes sense given that it was taken right before their first national election which was a time of great anticipation.  Of more interest for this discussion is that of the people who weren't happy with the country's direction, violence was the second most worrisome issue in 2004 and it doesn't show up on the radar screen now.  Jobs, the economy and electricity are the top concerns.

We report, you decide.

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