Wednesday, November 15, 2006

'Tis the season.  Get your Hanukkah stamps here.  Thanks, Jewschool.

So what do you think is worse, "cherry picking" intelligence, which at least means there were two alternative viewpoints, or ignoring intelligence altogether which is what the Democrats seem to have done in promoting their "phased withdrawal" strategy on Iraq?  Glenn Reynolds puts it best:

Did the Democrats know beforehand that this is what the generals thought? If so, were they dishonest in not taking it into account? Maybe they were relying on this sort of thing to keep from having to do what the MoveOn crowd wants, but what they know is wrong?

Or did they not know, making them clueless? Neither one's impressive. But since the big criticism of Rumsfeld, which led to his defenestration, was that he "didn't listen to the generals," what are the Democrats to do now that the generals have spoken?

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