Monday, August 28, 2006

Twenty years ago (maybe twenty-five or thirty?), I used to love listening to Larry King on the radio because he really was just a guy who loved asking questions of influential people.  Today on the internet, we have people like Michael Totten who just go to interesting places like Lebanon and Israel, on their own, and take pictures of interesting things and ask people the kind of questions that you or I would ask.


Be sure to watch C-SPAN this afternoon for what is sure to be an Israel love-fest.  Not.

A panel discusses the influence lobbyists for Israel have in the United States and how this may have affected attitudes toward the conflict between Israel and Hezbollah in Lebanon.

The panel features Stephen Walt and John Mearsheimer, who wrote an article in the March London Review of Books that raised questions about the power the Israel lobby wields over U.S. foreign policy, saying that the lobbyists try to prevent criticism by claiming anti-semitism. Their article was also the cover story in the July-August issue of Foreign Policy Magazine.

The panel also includes two members of CAIR.  No doubt these four will be complaining about how their views are silenced by the Jews supporters of Israel.  I imagine they'll have a replay.


Today it's been raining all morning - thank G-d!  We've had around 40 100 degree days this summer, almost all in a row.  It's actually in the upper 70's now and isn't supposed to move past the 80s for the next few days.  What a relief!


Two items of note via Israellycool.

Conan O'Brien at the Emmys - "Alec Baldwin has a new show on NBC, James Woods has a new show on CBS and Mel Gibson has a new show on Al-Jazeera."

Saddam forced to watch himself in old episode of South Park.

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