Tuesday, July 11, 2006

Well, I did promise to read John Stossel's Myths, Lies, and Downright Stupidity : Get Out the Shovel--Why Everything You Know is Wrong.
I'm about 30 pages in, and while it's kind of entertaining, it's going to go in the magazine/book rack that is conveniently built into the wall of the "water closet" in the master bathroom.  (This is my favorite feature of our house, by the way).  Most of the "myths" he uncovers are well-known arguments by conservatives/libertarians against traditional thinking and they comes in 1-2 page bites, which makes it easy to read a little at a time.

An example.  Women supposedly earn xx cents for the same job that men of the same caliber get paid a dollar to do.  He claims that if this were really the case, smart business people would only hire women becuase they're willing to work for so significantly less pay. 

Instead of finishing the Stossel book, I whipped through Anderson Cooper's bio,
Dispatches from the Edge : A Memoir of War, Disasters, and Survival. I was pleasantly surprised to find it available at my library in the New Books section - normally you have to put yourself on the waiting list for current bestsellers.  I wouldn't have paid to read it, but since it was there.....

The most surprising thing I found out was that Cooper's mother is Gloria Vanderbilt and that his brother committed suicide. (I din't realize that the Gloria Vanderbilt designer label still exists - man that stuff was popular in the disco era.)  This just goes to prove my feelings that most famous people had some kind of unusual (to put it mildly) family situations which compeled them to seek significance/relevance outside their immediate surroundings.  Othewise, the book is an interesting look at what it's like to be in places of intense human suffering.  On Iraq, I found him fair and balanced.  On Katrina, I was surprised to learn that he didn't actually get to New Orleans until well after the storm had passed and that he had significant family roots in the area.  I probably would have known that had I been paying more attention.

And, for those who are interested, he does not comment on any personal relationships of his own, even as he surrounds himself with macho military/police types who frequent strip clubs and are constantly described as "lonely" and "horny".

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