Friday, July 28, 2006

Talking Jewish With Deborah Tannen - author of You Just Don't Understand and You're Wearing That?

When Tannen later listened to the tape of the lively discourse, it struck her: unlike the three Gentiles (whom she calls Sally, David and Chad), she and the other two Jews (Steve and Peter)—all of whom had grown up in New York City and were of Eastern European descent—spoke dramatically and rapidly and pursued a variety of topics simultaneously. In fact, so many distinctions between the two groups were apparent that she decided she would no longer schlepp her tape recorder everywhere; the dinner’s smorgasbord of interactions would be the sole focus of her dissertation.

I was very impressed with Anderson Cooper during his Monday evening program.   While being led on a guided tour of Beirut by Hizbollah he tells us right to the camera that it's all bullsh*t.  Transcript here. Thanks to Israellycool for reminding me about it.

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