Monday, April 12, 2004

I've been trying to think of a new gimmick in order to make my blog semi-unique among those that tend to report on political events, and I think I've found it. Every time I link to an article where I think the headline is misleading or biased, I'll link with my own and include the original. You can then tell me if you agree or disagree with my interpretation.

For example:

"Seven U.S. Civilian Contract Workers Missing in Iraq" becomes "Seven Halliburton Employees' Lives at Risk"

How many times has the name "Halliburton" appeared in the NY Times in headlines that criticize the company, and by extension, it's employees or ex-employees of corruption, thievery, etc. Here we have an example of their workers in danger and all of a sudden we're in Harry Potter land - he who must not be named.

With the new headline, I even managed to maintain the appropriate level of sensationalism required by today's media.

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