Saturday, April 24, 2004

Every once in a while Nicholas Kristof of the Times actually shows that underneath his liberal rhetoric he's actually a well-reasoned individual.

Hug an Evangelical

If liberals demand that the Christian right show more tolerance for gays and lesbians, then liberals need to be more respectful of conservative Christians....

It's encouraging that the right is less hostile to gays and lesbians than it used to be....

Granted, the Bible denounces male homosexuality, although it strikes me as inconsistent not to execute people who work on the Sabbath (Exodus 35:2) and not to crack down on those who get haircuts (Leviticus 19:27) or wear clothes with more than one kind of thread (Leviticus 19:19).

But there's no clear objection in the Bible to lesbianism at all. And since some fundamentalists have argued that AIDS is God's punishment for gay men, it's worth noting that lesbians are at less risk of AIDS than straight women. So if God is smiting gay men for their sin, is he rewarding lesbians for their holiness?

Those kinds of pointed questions are fair, but sneering is not.

I know there are many Jews who are deeply resentlful of the Evangelical push to convert them and the "you're all going to hell" thing. But who would you rather have standing next to you on a bus in Israel - an Evangelical telling you that you're going to hell, or the Muslim fundamentalist who wants to personally send you on your way?

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