Monday, April 26, 2004

Don't see accounts like this much.

Most Iraqis Still Welcome American's presence.

Maybe I need to get around to some of the left-wing blogs, but I've seen quite a few articles or posts like this from soldiers coming off duty. While I've heard about soldiers complaining that they didn't want to spend so much time away from their family, or that they disagreed with the decisions that sent them there, I haven't seen many reports saying that everyone over there hates us as you would think from watching the news every day.

Here's some more just from doing a quick Google search.

A long-waited return

"To me, the Iraqi people seemed happy..."

Chaplain Returns Home From Iraq

"Tony also believes most of the Iraqi people trust Americans and believe in their mission. "If you go to Iraq you can find somebody that doesn't want us there you can. But you can also find a lot of people, I think the majority, want us there. They want us to bring civil order."'

Marietta man gets warm welcome home from Iraq

"Hager believes most people of Iraq seek freedom and that current violence and terrorist tactics come from a 10 percent minority. Americans are often met with friendliness, he said.

"It snowed once, 1 1/2 inches, and the Iraqis who worked on base said, 'You Americans bring everything with you.' We had a snowball fight with the Iraqis. People over there are just like us, looking for a dream."

Coming home from Iraq, one soldier’s story

"Jessica found it hard to watch the news since returning home....You don’t see many newscasts showing the people who were so happy we were over there, Jessica added."

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