Friday, December 05, 2003

OK - let's see if this makes as little sense to you as it does to me and Little Green Footballs.

The Times interviews a supposed member of the Iraqi "resistance". Here are some quotes from the story:

The religious principle is that we cannot accept to live with infidels. The Prophet Muhammad, peace be on him, said, `Hit the infidels wherever you find them.'

"We will not allow them to kill Iraqis. I am speaking before God, on my behalf and that of the other mujahedeen."

It was hard to pin down any single motive for the fighter here, who said he served in the Iraqi Army for six years, ending in 1998, and who gave the nickname "Fighter for the Sake of God."

Hard to pin down a motive? I-S-L-A-M. He put Allah in his nickname! How blind is this reporter?

For my politically correct friends - just because the vast majority of Muslims are good does not mean that evil does not stem from those that claim to be practicing Islam or that Islamic tradition is not relevant to their motives. In the same way you can't separate Judaism from militant West Bank settlers, even if the vast majority of Jews do not believe that owning the West Bank is necessary for the Jewish people.

But wait a minute - I just got to thinking (no laughing please). If Jews for Jesus started terrorizing people while claiming they are Jews, does the true Jewish community have an obligation to stop them, criticize them or both? Therefore if "militant Islam" is committing innumerable outrages in the eyes of the majority of Muslims, what are the moral obligations and would we as Jews do the same? After all, many liberal non-Muslims claim that the terrorists really aren't Muslim or have "hijacked" the religion.

For my super politically correct friends, no I am not comparing Jews for Jesus to militant Islamists, although it would certainly make a lot of people's lives easier if both of those groups switched to mainstream religious observance.

Good shabbos!

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