Wednesday, December 10, 2003

I'm not sure if I would vote for any one of the Democratic candidates, but I think I can rule out Wesley Clark. In an interview on Monday's Hardball he says

"Well, if I were president right now, I would be doing things that George Bush can't do right now, because he's already compromised those international bridges. I would go to Europe and I would build a new Atlantic charter. I would say to the Europeans, you know, we've had our differences over the years, but we need you. The real foundation for peace and stability in the world is the transatlantic alliance. And I would say to the Europeans, I pledge to you as the American president that we'll consult with you first. You get the right of first refusal on the security concerns that we have."

Huh? We let the EU decide how we should go about protecting ourselves? From an American standpoint that's just outrageous. Please Mr. Chirac, can we attack Iran - Hizbullah just blew up the American Embassy in (pick a country). Please...

Just from a Jewish standpoint these are the people who when polled believed that Israel is the greatest threat to world peace and were afraid to release a report on anti-Semitism because it determined that much of it is rooted in the Muslim/Arab community?

Hat tip to Little Green Footballs on this one.

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