Sunday, December 07, 2003

If you're not sure where Dennis Kucinich stands on the war in Iraq, you must see this video. Very simply, it accuses Bush of purposefully sending thousands of people to their deaths so that his "rich friends can get richer". I sure hope that the parents of all those soldiers that he lists as having been killed are voting Democrat next November - or he's in for a huge lawsuit.

Also, not that Kucinich shouldn't go for the jugular in his ads, but it clearly states that 50 coalition forces have died on average per month, then goes on to say if "current trends continue" there will be 2400 deaths in the next year. 50 times 12 to me is 600, but hey, I'm no CPA. Oh wait, yes I am! Actually it seems like he took the worst week or two of casualties and used that for his extrapolation. This of course assumes that things will remain the same or get worse - which is exactly the kind of Democrat doom and gloom that Republicans joke about.

By the way it would take about 80-90 years of fighting at this casualty rate to get us to Vietnam level statistics.

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