Saturday, January 07, 2006

Once again, the media proclaims that everybody loves the Democrats!

Public Partial to Democrats, Poll Says - Majority Surveyed Back Power Shift
reports the Boston Globe

Poll Displays Desire for D.C. Power Swing cries The Olympian

49% in poll favor Democratic control of Congress says the Dallas Morning News (no link on their site)

Poll says Democrats preferred for Congress

Future Looks Bleak for GOP

In an ominous election-year sign for Republicans, Americans are leaning
sharply toward wanting Democrats to take control of Congress, an
AP-Ipsos poll finds.
Democrats are favored 49 percent to 36 percent.

Wow, if a Presidential election were held today, Democrats would win in a landslide of historic proportions!

Unfortunately for most Americans who read this crap in their morning newspaper or see it on the evening news, it's all bullsh*t.  The poll results can be found here and guess what.  Of those surveyed, 52% were Democrats and 40% were Republicans.  Do ya think that's why the Democrats were favored by 13 points in the poll?  On top of that those in the poll that described themselves as "strongly Democrat" was 20% while those who were "strongly Republican" was 13%.  So not only did they poll many more Democrats, but more partisan ones as well. 

One might also wonder why the President's approval rating is at 40% in this particular poll, reinforcing the media meme of Bush's poor performance.

I have written about this type of thing several times and have yet to see a poll where Republicans so heavily outnumber Democrats in a major poll.

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