Thursday, January 26, 2006

For decades, Israel demanded that the PLO and Yasser Arafat repeal the statement in the PLO Charter that called for "the destruction of Israel". Finally, in 1998, the Palestinian governement at least partially rejected that clause.

Now that Hamas has won control of the Palestinian governement, it's back to this, "Neither
the liberation of the Gaza Strip, nor the liberation of the West Bank or even Jerusalem will suffice us. Hamas will pursue the armed struggle until the liberation of all our lands. We don't recognize the state of
Israel or its right to hold onto one inch of Palestine.
Palestine is an Islamic land belonging to all the Muslims."

It was reported that Hamas has renounced it's own destruction of Israel policy two weeks prior to the recent election, but I'm not buying what they're selling.

The more things change, the more they stay the same.

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