Wednesday, May 04, 2005

More unnecessary rudeness as reported by Drudge:

Reporting and personal commentary NSFW.

Incessant heckling and shouting culminated in an arrest Tuesday night during a speech by controversialist Ann Coulter at the University of Texas at Austin.

THE TEXAN reports: Shouts became so pervasive during the question-and-answer session that Coulter informed the organizers she would no longer take questions if the hecklers were not silenced. For a time, the shouts were considerably lessened, until the issue of gay marriage was broached.

"You say that you believe in the sanctity of marriage," said Ajai Raj, an English sophomore. "How do you feel about marriages where the man does nothing but f*@k his wife up the ass?"

I assume they mean a sophomore from England as opposed to an English major, which is what I thought when I read it quickly the first time. In either case shouldn't a student or speaker of the mother tongue be a little more eloquent?

By the way - OK by me but it seems like a precious waste of natural resources which is what I thought liberalism was all about. Maybe that's another argument for the "gay is not a choice" crowd of which I think I am a believer- who would choose to limit their options for sexual enjoyment by choosing partners with only one entry point?


Anonymous said...

So terrorism is bad when it's being advocated by Muslims, but when Ann Coulter does so it's acceptable? The woman has made several statements in which she says terrorism against liberals is acceptable and desirable.

She thinks McCarthy was misunderstood. She thinks everyone but white male Christian Republican Americans are savages. Thinks woman shouldn't vote. Thinks the Emancipation Proclamation should be repealed. Thinks the world should be forcibly converted to Christianity. Thinks anyone who disagrees with her is dangerous and a threat and should be killed. Thinks people who disagree with her should be intimidated. On record for saying so, too.

She TOTALLY, UTTERLY AND COMPLETELY got what she deserved. This comment was tame compared to some that could have been made about her. She's a racist, anti-gay extremist who is unbelievably dangerous because she supports and spouts the most unbelievably redneck, fascist, disgustingly bigoted views.

I'm ashamed to think that she's actually a member of the human race.

Since when did you become her cheerleader?


Anonymous said...

and another thing.....

Two entry points. ;-)

Think about it. :-D

Anonymous said...

Where does it say that Raj is a sophomore from England? It seems like they meant an English major. Sometimes being eloquent fails to drive home a point. Sometimes being direct and garish has its own eloquence.

I refuse to believe that Coulter is really a woman. I have trouble believing that she is actually a human being. How can a creature that lacks humanity be human??

At any rate, I think that if everyone ignored Coulter it would have the same effect as throwing water on the Wicked Witch. She brings nothing worthwhile to the table for either party.


Howard said...

"I may disagree with what you say,
but I will defend to the death your right to say it." - Voltaire

That's all. If the The ACLU can defend Nazis, I can defend even the most heinous Conservative commentator/pundit.

If Anne Coulter was a politican, a leader of an anti-gay organization and refused to debate publicly, I would say OK maybe the woman has to be confronted. However, she's a TV personality and an author with no real power to control anything or anyone; she is constantly appearing in debate-like settings or taking questions in public forums as she was trying to do the other night.

If you think what the young gentleman did was OK, then I guess you wouldn't have a problem with someone interrupting a speech by Jane Fonda by and shouting "Jane you ignorant slut..." :-)

Besides, the obnoxious behavior only feeds the Conservative stereotype of left-wing boorishness and hypocrisy regarding free speech. Believe me, I listen to talk radio and there were plenty of comments about "typical hypocrite left-wingers" and no discussion of the substance of the matter at hand - gay marriage.

The "protester" had an interesting point to make and even though Coulter's response would have been inadequate, if it was intelligently worded enough and then followed up with a loud f-you, it would have at least been a little less typical.

If this is less than convincing, I'm kind of tired, so please read my opening sentence again. :-)

And thanks for commenting Quixotic Kitten - it was good to hear from you!