Tuesday, May 24, 2005

Not terribly important, but an example of lazy headline writing and reporting in general.

Child Population Dwindles in San Francisco

First of all , there in nothing in the article that claims that the percentage population of children in San Francisco is decreasing, only that it is lower than in some other major cities.

And when the reporter tries to look for reasons, she comes up with this:

San Francisco's large gay population — estimated at 20 percent by the city Public Health Department — is thought to be one factor, though gays and lesbians in the city are increasingly raising families.

You mean the fact that 20% of the population does not procreate is a maybe factor? Does the author feel that the amount of gays rasing children is anywhere near enough to counterbalance the average 1.87 children produced by heterosexual couples?

NOTE: This post has no relevance to my feelings on homosexuality or gay rights, nor does it claim an agenda on the part of the reporter. My point is the poor reporting, which generally doesn't even let us know where the information is sourced from.

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