Thursday, May 26, 2005

The NY Times puts on it's liberal, Oslo-like blinders on in it's whitewashing of Palestinian attacks on Israel. This is part of their opinion regarding Mahmoud Abbas' visit to Washington:

Obviously, Israel wants more, and Israeli officials are right when they say that Mr. Abbas must actually dismantle factories in Gaza where they say militants are using the cease-fire to build rockets to lob at Israel. More rockets are the last thing either Israelis or Palestinians need, and if Hamas and other militant groups are indeed resting up and restocking their ammunition to launch more attacks, then Mr. Abbas would do well to crack down now.

Actually, now that I'm reading this a second time, I'm even more disgusted. Is it the Times argument that maybe rocket factories don't exist in Gaza? And that Hamas and other groups are NOT actively attacking Israel but are simply taking a time out?!?

I'm on vacation, so I'm not going to go search for links about the fourteen recent attempts at suicide bombs and the dozens if not hundreds of missiles launched both at Gaza settlements and inside the green line towards Sderot and other towns.

I'm really, really disgusted. How is the world going to see Israel as anything but obstructionist if the situation on the ground is whitewashed like this? Look how hard the Palestinians are trying to be nice, and the Jews keep killing and arresting them! Bad Jews! Bad!

I have wrotten the following to the Times:
To the Editor:

In "Mr. Abbas Goes to Washington" (editorial, May 26) you suggest that Hamas and other militant groups may be "resting up and restocking their ammunition to launch more attacks" as if there haven't been any recent attacks.

There has not been a time out on attacking Jewish targets since the "cease-fire" was declared. Hundreds of rockets have been fired at settlements in Gaza as well as towns in Israel proper. Only recently it was reported that over a dozen suicide bombers have been stopped in the last two months at West Bank checkpoints. Just because these last few months of attacks hasn't resulted in multiple deaths doesn't mean that the militants have been inactive.

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