Saturday, April 23, 2005

A Passover Message to Pope Benedict by Rabbi Marc Gellman (speaking as Moses).

Jethro, the father of my wife Zipporah, was not Jewish, but he still taught me a lot. When I was working myself to the bone judging cases, it was Jethro who told me that I should set up a system of judges to hear the easy cases and leave the hard ones for me. From that day on I never forgot that God speaks through many cultures and many faiths. I know I heard the real version from The Boss when we spoke face to face, but I also know that God is not through with any of us. Go find yourself a Jethro to remind you of this. Find yourself a Hindu holy man or a Zen Roshi or an Imam or a Minister or a Shaman or a Rabbi and then try to hear some of that one pure truth you know on their lips and in their hearts, not in spite of who they are, but because of who they are. When you find one good friend—like Jethro was to me—who does not necessarily love your vision of the truth, but who loves you anyway, people will see it in your eyes and then your words will be unnecessary.

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