Thursday, November 27, 2003

It seems as if some in the Canadian Muslim community are looking for more co-religionists to submit voluntarily to Sharia (Muslim Law). How will this be done? Sharia based arbitration boards (like Jewish beit dins I imagine) will be established and based on Canadian law under the Arbitration Act, Canadian courts must enforce the decision of the arbitration.

The Law Times of Canada reports here about these plans discussed at a recent conference of Canadian Muslim leaders.

I believe that U.S. courts allow for the enforcement of religious court rulings, but I imagine it's only when those rulings do not contravene secular law. I want to see what happens when an Islamic Advisory board adjudicates to force a woman to wear a burqa or let an "honor killing" murderer go free.

As conference organizer, barrister Syed Mumtaz Ali recognizes, "We are required by our own law to follow the laws of the country and to follow our own laws. We have a double obligation. You don't have to be the wisest man to see there will be conflicts. . . ." Mr. Ali is "the first lawyer to swear his oath of allegiance on the Koran."

Conflicts indeed.

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