Friday, November 28, 2003

I can't explain why, but the President's surprise trip to Baghdad for Thanksgiving made me feel good. At the same time, I know I'm not supposed to like Bush and maybe he wouldn't like me. But you know what, I can't put it any better than the Dallas Morning News did today. You'll have to trust me on this as it's not posted to their website, but the lead editorial is "Mensch in cowboy boots merits praise".

Regardless of what you think, there was no guarantee of his safely flying into Baghdad Airport (a DHL cargo plane was hit by a missile coming in just this past week), so to me he risked his life to bring some cheer to the troops. A mensch. If you are one to believe that he did this for a rise in the polls three weeks after election day and a full year before the next one, and after his last "Mission Accomplished" stunt brought so much criticism, then you are truly a Bush hater and good luck with the Howard Dean campaign.

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