Saturday, November 01, 2003

I find it amusing that the New York Time's hatred for Rush Limbaugh is so complete that in their article about radio personality Delilah the author writes the following:

"Delilah, with her audience of millions, has said that she's the anti-Howard Stern; she's also the anti-Rush Limbaugh, extremely female in a male-dominated medium and genre."

That in itself is not so bad inasmuch as it's accurate - but the caption on the picture they show on the website labels Delilah as "the anti-Limbaugh", using the author's description of her instead of her own description as the anti-Stern. I guess the editors feel that the author knows more about how Delilah should be defined than Delilah herself.

By the way, my wife's been listening to Delilah for months and loves her show. I'm hoping her empathy for the calling audience rests in her past relationships with men and not with me!

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