Friday, October 31, 2003

If you've got a couple of hours to spare, here's a link to Little Green Footballs that itself links to a videotaped session of a Senate Subcommittee hearing on the education of Palestinian children that was shown on C-Span earlier today. I don't think the concern deals with the debate on teaching creationism versus evolution in biology class... (it's more having to do with the debate whether the Jews are more like pigs or monkeys?)

Here's a wonderful site with suggestions for Muslim mullahs to use for their Friday sermons. I like the part about "The Jews, who are the nation of pigs and monkeys, are nothing but a source of evil, corruption, tribulation and war.". All from the Religion of Peace. Does this site look like it was put together by poor people who are living a desperate life? Hardly.

I swear that I want to believe that this is not the majority Muslim opinion, I really do. But if you think this is the only site like this, you just haven't been paying attention.

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