Monday, October 13, 2003

I would never claim that individual Palestinians don't suffer due to Israel's hunt to destroy terrorists and their operations. However, it's hard to react to those claims when the reporting of their extent vary so wildly and in many cases fallaciously.

One report in the left leaning Ha'Aretz claims that 2,000 Palestinians were left homeless by this past week's actions by the Israeli army to destroy tunnels used for smuggling arms, people, etc, from Egypt into Gaza.
Today a report by the Associated Press with a headline of "almost 1,500" homeless actually uses a figure of 1,240 in the body of the article. If 1,240 is almost 1,500, then 200 is almost 500.

This reminds me of Operation Defensive Shield in Jenin in 2002 when Palestinian cabinet member Nabil Shaath claimed hundreds of civilians killed in a massacre perpetrated by the Israel Defense Forces. A more sober accounting by the U.N. determined that almost as many Israeli soldiers died (23) as Palestinian civilians (maybe up to half of the 52 Palestinians killed in the fighting). This of course does not mention the 29 Israelis killed at a Passover Seder just before that.

Update: Now the Associate Press is reporting "hundreds" of homeless. So we've gone from 2,000 to "hundreds". Anybody willing to bet on a drop to "dozens" in the next 24 hours?

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