Sunday, May 21, 2006

The Dixie Chicks: America Catches Up With Them

In a three page web-article on the Dixie Chicks, the NY Times tries to make the claim that most Americans are now embarrassed that George Bush is President of the U.S. Or that it's a good idea to criticize the choice of the fellow citizens to an overseas audience as we're about to go to war.

The album arrives at a time when approval for President Bush has dropped to as low as 29 percent, in a recent Harris Interactive poll.

There's no doubt that the President is extremely unpopular now as the article points out by using the lowest poll number it can find. But unpopular is different than embarrassed. And it's not like most other Presidents haven't had their moments in the doghouse.

On, preorders recently placed "Taking the Long Way" at No. 5 in a Top 10 that also includes albums with antiwar songs by
Bruce Springsteen, Neil Young, Paul Simon and Pearl Jam.

Since when does the better reflect overall record sales than
Billboard? Only one of the albums mentioned by the Times is actually in the top 10 (Pearl Jam) and that probably has more to do with the fact that a great band has come out with a new album after a long absence than becuase of it's anti-war stand. Besides, why would anyone think that the top selling albums represent "Americans" in any way shape or form? 50 Cent anyone? Nick Lachey?

Natlaie Maines sings as "I'm Mad As Hell" in the single that plays as you open the Chicks' website. Because a liberal's righteous anger is the only anger that is valid. She still doesn't get the fact that when she said she was embarrassed that Bush was Presdient she wasn't just insulting the man, she was insulting the intelligence of everyone that voted for him. I guess we all see the light now. After all, who doesn't like Bruce Springsteen and Neil Simon?

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