Wednesday, October 26, 2005

The coming out of Cheryl Swoopes, the WNBA's most valuable player, is NOT going to make a lot of gay activists happy.

"Do I think I was born this way? No," Swoopes said. "And that's probably confusing to some, because I know a lot of people believe that you are."

1 comment:

David Wiley said...

I never believed that "born that way" shit anyway. I believe we are a product of our environment and that homosexuality is a psychological state. I use the word "state" reluctanctly because I can't think of a better word. The fact is that the purpose of the "born that way" explaination is to stop the conservatives from saying it's a "disease" and therefore looking for the "cure". I do believe that we are a product of our environments however I don't believe that being raise by or around someone is who a homosexual has any baring on whether or not a person will be gay. I don't think of it as a disease either. I think you have to look at more broad reasons for what brings people to the conclusion that they are gay. I also believe in the laws of nature. It's a fact that in a biome or a environment nature will create limitations to stop a species from out breeding it's environment. That one of the reasons that disease exist. My theory is that homosexuality and disease like aids are part of natures attempt to stop the out of control human species from over breeding the planet. It's just a theory and I'm not trying to be insensitive. In truth I don't really know and I really shouldn't care. I'm not gay and if anyone in my family or friends comes out saying they are, I'll still accept them with no discrimination. I think I've gone way off topic here but I think you can't talk non-objectionally without first getting your opinion out of the way.