Sunday, February 22, 2004

President Carter blames YOU, my dear American readers, for the lack of peace, freedom and health in the developing world. Speaking on behalf of all of us, he says "we don't really care what happens to them".

Oh, please teach us of the white man's burden, Mr. Ex-President, liberator of the peoples of Iran, Afghanistan and Nicaragua!

And talking about helping the people's of the world - haven't we created more wealth through free trade and our economic success than anything else in the world? If we have such a huge trade deficit, isn't that in and of itself a form of aid? Giving anohter 10 or 20 or 30 billion dollars in aid will do one tenth as much for the future of the world as all the jobs we "lose" overseas and all the goods we purchase. If the Africans and the Arabs can't get their acts together, there is nothing we can do short of overthrowing their governments and starting from scratch like we're doing in Iraq. In short, democracy and trade better lives, not throwing money at corrupt governments.

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