Saturday, February 07, 2004

The New York Times, and possibly most other newspapers do not print responses to letters to the editor, but I just have to do it here. Lisa Rubin, who is probably a nice Jewish upper-middle class mommy, just like my wife writes the following about the War in Iraq:

Reading "The Administration's Scramble" (editorial, Feb. 6) and "Get Me Rewrite!," by Paul Krugman (column, Feb. 6), just reinforces the poor example the Bush White House is setting for children.

My son is 6 years old and already interested in politics. We talk about major news stories every day, and closely follow the election campaigns.

How does a strategy of pre-emptive war play out to children? If they told us, "I hit him because he was planning to hit me," that would never fly. Even my 6-year-old believes that self-defense is the only rationale for a fight, and even then we must try to use words first to resolve differences.

I think Ms. Rubin is raising her child rather stupidly - I hope he turns out OK. Let's say the bully in question goes to another school. The bully kills a bunch of his classmates, starts fights with a couple of nearby schools where your son's friends go and kills a bunch of kids there and then tries to kill your husband when he goes to visit the area. Your son goes over to the other school, takes out a bunch of the bully's friends and then captures the bully to be tried by law, in a manner agreed upon with the bully's classmates. Some more innocent children are hurt or killed in the process, but only a tiny fraction of those who the bully has hurt and killed in the past and most likely would have in the future.

Now Ms. Rubin, you've just taught your son to do the right thing and is a hero instead of a walking potential victim who chooses to spend his life debating with monsters.

And by the way, there's a man named Joe Smith in Florida who Ms. Rubin should "talk to". By herself. Maybe if she gets him to give up his car or other weapons he might have, he won't kill anyone else again. Or maybe not. But why should she care - he lives far away and never hurt her son.

And by the way, how would Ms. Rubin's son plan to stop the bully with "words". And what if it hadn't worked for 12 years while the killings continued?

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