Monday, April 03, 2006

The Democrats' dream has finally come true. They want have Tom Delay to kick around anymore. Can't say I'm not a little tired of the whole thing m'self. So now who do they go after? Hastert and Frist have so little personality, they'll make poor substitutes as the source of all Republican evil.

The Cynthia McKinney sideshow continues - you' d think it's summer. Is there nothing else going on in the world?

The Mets won their home opener today 3-2. I can't even name their starting lineup, but somehow, this day, every year, is extremely important to me.

I didn't think "Matzoh Man" was as bad as my brother-in-law seems to think it was.

Oh, And about that anti-Israel lobby paper from Harvard - ouch. Via PowerLine.

One of the nuttiest passages in "The Israel Lobby," the co-production of professors Stephen Walt (Harvard) and John Mearsheimer (University of Chicago), occurs in the very first footnote. (It's in the full version, on the website of the Kennedy School of Government at Harvard.)
Indeed, the mere existence of the [pro-Israel] Lobby suggests that unconditional support for Israel is not in the American national interest. If it was, one would not need an organized special interest group to bring it about. But because Israel is a strategic and moral liability, it takes relentless political pressure to keep U.S. support intact.
Other commentators have pointed to the absurdity of this statement, since every conceivable special interest has a lobby in Washington, and they can't all be working against the national interest. "By that standard," writes Max Boot, "Social Security, the 2nd Amendment and Roe vs. Wade must not be 'in the American national interest' either, because they are all defended by even more powerful lobbies." Caroline Glick hits even harder:
Every semi-sentient person with even an incidental knowledge of American politics knows that there is no area of human endeavor that is not represented by a lobby in the US. Walt and Mearsheimer's asinine assertion means is that every American interest group--from the elderly to the insurance industry, from the Muslims to gun owners to organic food lovers--stands opposed to the American national interest simply by existing. Any professor who made a similar assertion about any other interest group would be imperiling his career.

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